Students Receive:

Regularly scheduled meetings with T2C team to include:

   Assessment of career interests to help select colleges and major studies

   Build college lists based on academic and personal qualifications, location, campus life, etc.

   Review high school course selection, standardized testing, and extra curricular activities

   Brainstorm college essays and short answers to produce the strongest and most genuine application in order to increase the chance of acceptance

   Identify internships and extra-curricular activities that enhance the student's college resume

   Strategize the best approach for early admissions to maximize the chance for admission

   Review the educational supports and services at preferred colleges for students with disabilities

   Guidance and support in completing and submitting 5-8 college or post-secondary program applications

   Participate in mock interviews and develop appropriate self-advocacy skills

Parents receive:

Parents are their child's best advocate when armed with knowledge.

The T2C consultants are well versed in programs related to independent living skills and gap year programs, as well as colleges and universities.

  Parents with high school students in the T2C program will receive:

  Reduced conflict between parent and child during the application process

  Responsibility transferred from the parent to the child and coach as they investigate life after high school options

  Parent will receive ongoing feedback on the student's progress throughout the program

  Peace of mind that the student will complete college research, essays, and applications on time

Additional Services

  Comprehensive Post-Secondary Accommodation and Disability Evaluations

  SAT/ACT Tutoring

  Academic Coaching to help students succeed in high school classes

  Research-based educational remediation for learning disabilities


Last Minute

Admissions PROGRAM:

For incoming seniors who need to expedite the application process

Thinking Ahead PROGRAM:

For high school Juniors

Early Bird PROGRAM:

For high school

Freshman and Sophomores