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Psychoeducational Evaluations
Specific Learning Disability Assessments for Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Behavioral Interventions and Family Coaching
Social Skills Development
Early Childhood Developmental Assessments
Kindergarten Readiness
Educational Services
Comprehensive Spelling and Writing Instruction
Sequential Remedial Math Instruction
Intensive Remedial Reading and Dyslexia Instruction
Executive Function Coaching
Study Skills and Organizational Coaching
SAT and ACT Preparation
Patient Forms
CHLA Blog Spot
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Contact Us
About Us
Clinical Services
Psychoeducational Evaluations
Specific Learning Disability Assessments for Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Behavioral Interventions and Family Coaching
Social Skills Development
Early Childhood Developmental Assessments
Kindergarten Readiness
Educational Services
Comprehensive Spelling and Writing Instruction
Sequential Remedial Math Instruction
Intensive Remedial Reading and Dyslexia Instruction
Executive Function Coaching
Study Skills and Organizational Coaching
SAT and ACT Preparation
Patient Forms
CHLA Blog Spot
Workshops & Seminars
Contact Us
Students Fill Out This Form
Student T2C PROGRAM Getting Started Questionnaire
Student's Name
Preferred Nickname
Student Email
Home Phone
Home Fax
Student Primary Residence:
Mother & Father
Mother only
Father only
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Student- Tell Us About Yourself
Student- Tell Us About Yourself Please feel free to go beyond the questions we have asked and tell us anything about yourself that will help us to get to know you.
1. What are your college goals? You can define your goals as broadly as you wish when answering this question.
2. What is the career you most dream about having? Why does it excite you?
3. What do you believe are your strengths and weaknesses as a student? What do you like about academics and what do you dislike?
4. Do you have any learning differences or disabilities? If so, do you disclose this to others and what do you say?
5. What do you believe are your greatest accomplishments? Where do you shine or excel?
6. What accommodations or academic supports do you feel will be necessary to help you be successful in college?
7. Are there characteristics you are especially interested in with respect to the college or university you will attend? This can include such things as size, location, academic reputation, extra-curricular activities available, disability accommodations and supports available.
8. Are there characteristics that you would like to avoid in a college?
9. At this moment, are there colleges that you are interested in attending? If so, please list them and give a brief explanation as to why you are interested in those colleges.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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