I wanted to tell you that I was awarded with a scholarship to Seminole State for $6000 and wanted to say how appreciative I am of you. Without your help, I wouldn’t have been able to make it. Thank you! I will be reaching out for math help when I start college.
Tara C.
Dear Friends,
Having a grand-daughter with developmental issues has taught me many things. Cherishing these children is not enough. Without loving and professional care, they cannot thrive.
Elizabeth has been probed, prodded, tested and evaluated multiple times. So often she has endured these things only to have little meaningful result. Then, we were blessed to find “The Center for Health, Learning, and Achievement”.
From our first visit, it was evident we were ” home “. Your center, and the caring professionals who staff it, have opened doors and given us hope. Elizabeth loves her time spent with you. She asks to come on days when we have no appointment. It matters not if she is their client, everyone greets her with warmth.
We are kept informed of all areas of progress and need, and given suggestions and guidance for tools and exercises we can use at home. The visits may be for a certain time period, but the caring is without end.
Bless you in the work you do. Thank-you so for your continued efforts on Elizabeth’s behalf, and all others who are fortunate to be in your care. Continue the good work you do .. it is so needed.
With gratitude,
Jane Donaldson
Jane Donaldson - Grandparent
Dear Ms. Braccia,
I am writing this letter to thank you for your role in my son’s excellent health, learning, and achievement.
Our story began about seven years ago when my son was struggling in first grade. Despite many meetings and attempts at getting my son’s educational needs met, I was unsuccessful in finding assistance. Out of desperation, I took him out of school and began homeschooling him. I was determined that his spirit would not be broken.
Without a lot of preparation, I began to home school my son but still had many questions. I began a search for a professional with answers to my many questions. Not only did you answer my questions, you treated my son with kindness and respect. By sharing a positive view of my son, you helped me repair the damage done to my confidence as a mother and his new teacher. My son also felt this respect and his spirits seemed to lift as well.
During those first few meetings, you shared what I had believed all along: My son was gifted and had ADHD. You recognized his strengths and needs and gave me excellent suggestions to further his development.
A year later, I reenrolled him in school. This time, he entered the school as a gifted child and our experiences were better. Still, when we encountered some obstacles, you didn’t hesitate to travel to the school and advocate for him.
A few years later, when a friend of my son’s died unexpectedly and he was experiencing anxiety that carried over to school, you were able to help him through that experience. Your excellent explanations of the effect of the emotions on the body and mind really made an impact on him.
Despite the rocky start in school, he has emerged as a very strong student who has excelled in many ways. He frequently makes high grades and willingly competes in a variety of academic challenges. In fact, last year, he won the school level of the National Geographic Bee and went on to represent his school at the state level of the National Geographic Bee. Only 100 students were chosen in the whole state and with over 2,000 schools participating, it was a great honor for him to go to the state competition.
I have had the opportunity to watch first-hand the power of encouraging and positive people in a child’s life. I have no doubt that you made a crucial difference at a crossroads in my son’s life. For that, I am truly grateful and know you will touch many more lives in a positive way.
Melanie Hunter
Melanie Hunter - Mother
I cannot thank you enough for all the support and guidance and help you (Dr. Olivia Puyana) gave us through this process. It was invaluable.
– Parent, 8th Grade Student, Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluation
Parent, 8th Grade Student, Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluation
It’s hard to believe that almost 4 years ago, I left yet another parent-teacher conference with tears in my eyes and a feeling of helplessness as to how to help my struggling Nick make it through another semester of school. Then, like a miracle, I found the Center for Health, Learning & Achievement. I immediately felt that I could trust Alicia; and, through her, we found you! Words cannot express how deeply grateful we are for all that you have done for Nick. Your continued encouragement, expertise, advocacy, and guidance have fostered a sense of confidence in Nick that he didn’t previously possess. I never would have thought, those 4 years ago, that I would one day see Nick on the Honor Roll, semester after semester! Thank you for seeing the potential in my son, helping him work through the challenges, and giving him the gift of reading. The work that you do actually changes children’s lives and opens the door to new possibilities.
Forever Grateful,
Dawn D
Changing children’s lives - Dawn D.
Dear Alicia,
On behalf of all the participants in Saturday’s training, thank you ever so much for spending the day with us and for sharing so much valuable information!
After each session I have everyone complete a training evaluation. On scale of 1 to 5, with one being strongly disagreeing and 5 being strongly agreeing, 100% strongly agreed on the following:
This training session stimulated my thinking. The content presented in the session was useful. What I learned will help me be a better advocate for my child. The speaker presented the content in a clear, organized manner. The speaker satisfactorily answered questions. The speaker was knowledgeable about the subject matter. The speaker’s presentation style held my interest. The speaker encouraged participation.
Now that you’ve set this high standard of expectation, my challenge is going to be finding future speakers that even come close!
On a personal level, I want you to know how much I truly appreciate you, not only for coming on Saturday, but for all you do to help so many families. You are a person who lives a life of high integrity with high moral values, Alicia, and it shows. You are also very humble, so you may not know just exactly how special you are, but I have to tell you that you are extremely special. You are a treasure and I so appreciate the opportunity to work with you.
T2C Curriculum Helped My Son - Lori
Thank you so much for all of your help during this process. I could not have done it without you (Dr. Olivia Puyana).
-Parent, 9th grade Student, Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluation
Parent, 9th grade Student, Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluation
Good morning Alicia,
Thank you for your speedy response. Do you know if these persons offer all the programs you suggested? Or at least the most important ones?
Ralph and I appreciate what appears to be a true investment in helping our family make sure Mimi has the best opportunity to reach her full academic and social potential. She is such a blessing to our family, we want to make sure we give her all the advantages for success that our other children enjoy.
We realize our time together has been brief, but we both agree you’ve provided us with a solid unbiased professional evaluation, a list of outstanding accommodations for home and classroom sucess and remeadial programs we can get busy finding/doing now. We want to “Thank You! ” for your optimistic, warm and friendly demeanor. Working with you is a pleasure. We trust and appreciate your expertise and knowledge of the resources necessary for Mimi to achieve her best possible self and to love learning!
We look forward to having you represent Mimi, and assist us with our communication with her new school’s Guidance department and Classroom Teacher. We have decided to place her at Surfside Elementary School, our neighborhood school. It’s close enough to walk or ride bikes together each morning and afternoon.
Thank you again! Have a super fantastic day!
Tammy, Ralph & Estrada
Tammy, Ralph & Estrada - Parents
September 28, 2016
Dear Mrs. Oswald,
On behalf of our family, I would like to extend to you our deep appreciation for your continued academic support of our two children over the years.
Your work with Anna has been truly valued. Your warm, optimistic style of rolling out the IE program with Anna, has taught her to explore creative ways to organize her work. You helped her break long-term tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks, and begin tasks early to allow for time to overcome difficulties.
Jacob is now experiencing rising grades and great successes in middle school! Your efforts in coaching, motivating, and training have contributed significantly to this. Your discipline and motivation techniques have taught Jacob to confidently prioritize and systematize his assignments and prepare for his classes.
The kids have come a long way since you met them, and are enjoying terrific grades, using your effective organizational techniques.
We all have enjoyed working with you and look forward to future opportunities to utilize your tremendous academic coaching skills!
As well, we heartily recommend you to other organizations and parents who desire a professional, energetic, and experienced tutor for their own student(s). You are a true partner in our kids’ success, a consummate academic coach!
As a parent, you’ve been a miracle! It has been a genuine delight working with you. Thanks for being such a wonderful partner in education!
All my very best,
Heather Johnson
Heather Johnson - Parent
Dear Alicia,
I wanted to update you about my grandson after your evaluation. He is receiving Vision Therapy which will last several months and he receives many accommodations at school for the vision problems. Approximately three weeks ago he started on ADHD medication. He has gone from all Fs to all As, from very poor behavior in class to excellent behavior in class, from “hating” school to telling his mom how he “LOVES” school, from taking an hour to do homework with mom helping to doing homework by himself saying “mom, I can do it myself.” Wow! Thank you SOOOO much for your excellent assessment. His life has truly changed. He has always been happy but he is so much happier at school now. Life is great!
We will see how he is doing at the end of the school year to see if we feel he might have a problem with dyslexia. But for now, he is doing great!
Thank you so much. You have truly made his life better.
Susan - Grandparent
Dear Alicia,
I want to start off by saying hello to the SWEETEST person in the world!!!! I just got off the phone with Vanessa, and I asked her for your e-mail. She gave it to me than asked if she could help. I told her I just met you (And I broke down and started to cry). This is going to sound like a REALLY bad Hallmark card. But for the first time in years, I feel alive again. I hung on to every word you said (I too struggle with ADHD, and bi-polar) It is hard for me to understand everything you said, but I felt what you told Pam will help them in giving Georgia the appropriate test, and than by the grace of God she can get the help she will need to function in this world.
Of all of the test that were done, I felt hands down the Auditory test was the most accurate in describing Georgia. The other tests might as well be scraps of garbage. They didn’t tell me anything that I already didn’t know. She’s average here, she below average here. But what does that mean. The Auditory told me what she was below average in and then gave me examples of what that test expected of her. When I read the Characteristic of the results, I was in shock. That IS Georgia!!!
I have been reading so much about phonological dyslexia, I just about fell asleep at the computer. Let me know if you have any reading materials in “Layman terms” so much of these sites and reports are so much over my head. I did call Pam yesterday and asked her to relate to me what you said, and she brought up the processing test and the dyslexia.
Anyhow I had to write and thank you for giving me the time of day. I just NEVER and I mean NEVER thought you would have given me that kind of time and to do it so quickly. I hope you NEVER change. Just think we never met, we just talked on the phone and look how you effected me.
Thank you again.
Sincerely Hugs,
Robyn Collins
Robyn Collins